Meine Oma(88) / NS-Education, transgenerationel Transmission-Game / with ROTxBLAU

COYOTE / Tamagotchi-Realtime-Management Adventure / with ROTxBLAU

Truefake/ Protest-Simulation-App / with ROTxBLAU

The Moinis / Hopepunk-Music, Performance, Video

Corona Killer / Spontaneous Lockdown Reaction

UNINVITED / Surveillance from a new Species / collaborative UBERMORGEN & Nye Thompson

THEY Oh!K / Festival-Game / collaborative UBERMORGEN

Echo Chamber / Decentralized Reverb-Plattform

BREITBART RED / Alt-Right.plattform / collaborative UBERMORGEN

MANKE / New Politics for a new Society

Deepcase / AI-Therapy

Schaltkreis / Cybernetic - Concert - Game

Circle / VR-Game / collaborative work

roomYou / analogue Facebook/ collaborative work

Überwältigungen / immersive Nature-Simulatoin

No Limit / narcissistic Video-Art / collaborative UBERMORGEN

Keilerei / fighting Game for Festivals


Alexander Zenker (*1988, GDR)


Alexander Zenker is a multidisciplinary artist whose work is located at the intersection of pop culture and interaction.

With a Master of Fine Arts from the Kunsthochschule Kassel, he has made a name for himself as a game artist, interactive artist, 2D designer and performer. Zenker assisted with the net art duo UBERMORGEN from 2015, where he worked on international projects on psychopathology (, 2015), the alt-right (, 2020) and artificial evolution (UNINVITED, 2019).


Today, Zenker develops “Emotional Realistic Games” with his team at his self-founded game studio ROTxBLAU, which explore the connection between game studies and pop culture. With games about the transmission of Nazi education (Meine Oma(88), 2022-), fake news (TrueFake, 2021) and the coronavirus pandemic (Coronakiller, 2020), the studio has received multiple grants and collaborates such as game designer Allison Yang Jing, the Amadeo Antonio Foundation or the political magazine Veto. The games are distributed on the platforms Steam, and in the app stores.


As co-founder of the hobby-pop band The Moinis, Zenker performs impulsively and catchily between hopepunk, classism, Saxon rap and pop culture. After two albums, four music videos such as Drecksch (2021), Or'Ney (2019), Gucke Her (2019) and various gigs, the band has established itself as an underground pop icon in Leipzig and the surrounding area.


In addition, Zenker developed analog spaces of interactive installations such as Schaltkreis – all under one tone(2017), roomYou (2016), Überwältigungen (2015), posing questions between power, digitality and coexistence.



Panel Discussion – Meine Oma(88), Re.publica, Berlin (upcoming)

Presentation – Meine Oma(88), A.MAZE Indie Game Festival, Berlin (upcoming)



Panel Discussion – Meine Oma(88), Symposium #digital_memory, Medienzentrum Munich

Panel – Meine Oma(88), Goethe-Institut, Mexico City

Interview – Meine Oma(88), Online, Podcast, Dom Schott, OK Cool

Radio Interview – Meine Oma(88), Kompressor, Dradio Kultur

Presentation – Meine Oma(88) - A.MAZE Indie Game Festival, Berlin



Panel – Meine Oma(88), Game Atlas – Game Designer Conference, Current Plans, Hong Kong

Panel – Meine Oma(88), Ecommemoration Conference - Games and History, Hamburg

Residency – in cooperation with Allison Yang Jing, Goethe Institut, Hong Kong

Funding - Meine Oma(88), Project Development Funding – Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung

Game Accelerator – Meine Oma(88), Game Studies, University of Bayreuth



Interview – Game Designer Interview with Allison Yang Jing, Online Magazine “Yi-Magazin”, Goethe-Institut

Presentation - COYOTE, PGA Game Festival, Poznan, with ROTxBLAU

Presentation - COYOTE, Lange Nacht der Computerspiele Leipzig, with ROTxBLAU

Panel – COYOTE, Lange Nacht der Computerspiele Leipzig, with ROTxBLAU

Funding – Memopolis, Erasmus+, with ROTxBLAU



Funding - EXIST Startup Grant, TROPHIX Ecosystem Simulation, with ROTxBLAU

Performance - Deepcase, with Hitness.Club, rc3, Chaos Communication Congress, Leipzig

Funding – TrueFake, Amadeu Antonio Foundation, with ROTxBLAU

Winner - Pitch-Jam – Meine Oma(88) – Foundation for Digital Game Culture, Berlin

Exhibition - BREITBART RED – Exhibition, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai

Performance - Lindenow TV – Lindenow #16 Gallery Festival, Hitness.Club, Leipzig

Funding – Coronakiller, Corona Funding, Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony



Exhibition - BREITBART RED - the Alt-Right Complex, HMKV

Exhibition - Free It - Water Event, Yoko Ono, MdBK Leipzig

Exhibition - Deepcase - Website, Contribution, Das Erotik Magazin, Leipzig

Exhibition - MANKE – Ostlichter e.V., Kontor 80, Leipzig

Residency – Electro Putere, in cooperation with UBERMORGEN & Nye Thompson, Bucharest, Romania

Show - Schaltkreis - with Flying Moon in Space, POCHEN Symposium, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz

Intervention - Echo Chamber & Äther Lindenow IV – Radio, #15, Noch Besser Leben, Leipzig

Performance - THEY Oh!K – with Ubermorgen, Next Level Festival 2019, Zollverein Essen

Release - the Moinis – Online Show, Video Release - Youtube , Album Release - Spotify



Intervention - Äther Lindenow III – Radio Show, at Lindenow #14 art festival, Leipzig

Performance - THEY - with Ubermorgen, at Next Level Festival, NRW-Forum Düsseldorf



Intervention - Äther Lindenow II - Radio Show, Lindenow #13 art festival, Leipzig

Exhibition - Schaltkreis – with Flying Moon in Space, documenta+ , INTERIM, Kassel

Graduation – Master of Fine Arts, Schaltkreis & User Password - Exam Exhibition, College of Art (Kunsthochschule Kassel), Documentahalle Kassel



Exhibition - roomYou, at Westpol Leipzig

Exhibition - Überwältigungen, Stellwerk, Kassel

Exhibition - roomYou, Cryptocon, Hackerspace Sublab Leipzig

Intervention - Äther Lindenow I - Live Radio Show, Lindenow #12 art festival, Leipzig

Exhibition - roomYou, Technische Sammlungen, Datenspuren Dresden

Performance - Circle - Virtual Reality (VR) game installation, WISP Festival Leipzig



Intervention - Nonviolent Communication - Keine Fische aber Grethen, Kohren Sahlis

Show - The Relevant Nonsense, cooperation with Academy of Fine Arts, MOÉ, Vienna

Exhibition - Überwältigungen, BISTRO 21, Leipzig

Exhibition - No Limit, with Ubermorgen, Kunstverein Kassel

Residency – No Limit, with Ubermorgen, Mauritius

Erasmus – Exchange Semester, Academy of Fine Arts, Marina Grzinic, Vienna



Exhibition - with Olayanju Dada, at FBI Kassel

Exhibition - Don´t Shoot - Tiny Palace - Kunstverein Kassel